Currently Available Items
Fine Silver
Montana green Sapphire
4.7cm tall
In Chinese medicine the 3 centers where Qi focuses in the body. These are the energetic batteries of our being.
This Totem aligns, connects, and balances the centers to bring more vitality to your whole person from the root life force up to the manifest potential.
1 available
Sterling Silver
pink ruby
3cm diameter
Classic symbol of the Thelemic faith, featuring leaf-down clover.
Microcosmic forces of the universe and macrocosmic forces that move us. flow of cosmic forces through our universe breathing from micro to macro.
1 available
Fine Silver
rainbow moonstone
4.2cm tall
Integrity of the inner self and alignment of and to the inner world. Connection, uprightness, and stable coherence between subconscious, unconscious, and aetheric selves.
This Totem aids inner work particularly while exploring dream and aetheric bodies.
1 available
Gemstone Beads
Mexican red snowflake obsidian, Mexican green obsidian, with a brass finish bead on Red Silk.
Focused on grounding, particularly through the Lower Dantien and Sacral chakra. Will help with challenges in disassociation. Inspired by work with Mayan ancestry and collaboration with associates in Mexico City.
54 bead, 3-4mm suitable for a double-wrapped small wrist.
1 available
Gemstone Beads
Malachite And Mexican Green Obsidian on garnet-red silk.
Designed for lightr degrees of protection as well as clearing of negative aspects in and around the person utilizing the natural given energetics of these materials. This features a custom copper bead to amplify the field and concentrate it on the wearer.
26 beads, 6mm, suitable for double-wrapped small wrist.
1 available
Gemstone Beads
Labradorite, Chocolate moonstone, Gray moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone, tourmalinated quartz, Silver Obsidian, bone, ancient brass, on black silk.
Curated to support sovereignty and peaceful process at end of life to aid in transition through the final gateways. Can also be used by Death Doulas to support.
108 beads, 6mm, suitable for a triple-wrapped small wrist or short necklace.
1 available
Sterling Silver or Red Bronze
Tourmalinated Quartz
This world is not one to be tread lightly, are you protected?
This item is consecrated with fields of protection in addition to the Runic and mythographic shielding designed into the metal itself. It will protect the wearer only.
Additional photos of the Ritualis Talna-Band Mala style bead items at --> Ritualis Jewelry Instagram
Unvailable Items
Please Inquire if you are interested in out of stock items using the contact
Sterling Silver
Blue Sapphire
Higher order sensemaking.
Super, sub, and unconscious knowing. Connects us to what we know from within this vessel at all of it's layers.
Clarity, clear interpretation, strong channel to inner voice.
Sterling Silver
Black Spinel
Beneath the mind is a sense so profound it has been unriveled for eons.
Enhancement to Instinctual knowing, bodily awareness, and accuracy of your connection to your own Instinct. Pre linguistic clarity.
Sterling Silver
Yellow Sapphire
The gift of True sight will set your power free.
Fundamental attention and intake of information. Remove blind spots, increase info perception, increase bandwidth intake. 2s, 3s, 9s, and golden ratio in the structure.
Sterling Silver
The power of the Norse gods is not to be taken lightly.
By the power of Mjölnir, this totem hold courage, honor, bravery, boldness, and a willingness to charge into righteous action.
Inventory Will be Restocked Soon!
Check back periodically or message us to make a request.