Ritualis Totem of Tribe and Family

This round of the Ritualis Tribal Totem has been enhanced with a bindrune to attract and enhance your soul tribe and help you find your true family in whatever sense of the word you desire. Be clear on your intention to find your soul tribe, discover your chosen family, or strengthen your blood ties, this Totem will aid whichever is deepest for you.

The Bindrune

This bindrune is composed of 4 runes from the Elder Futhark. Individually they will aid particular aspects of finding and building family but together they create the unique function of this Bindrune, which is in parallel to aid the Totem itself. True family with strong ties and an abundance of joy on the journey.

Othila forms the core structure, bringing the energy of not only ancestry and inheritance but lineage, unity, and family. It is the backbone of connection to your people that when channeled through this Totem connects you to more than birth blood lineages but soul lineages as well.

Fehu is next, adding abundance, security, and success to the field. Fehu brings in not only the abundance of wealth to your family but the security of it's resources to allow for great adventures on the Path.

Gebo joins the bindrune to bring strength to the relationships, partnerships, and connections in your tribe, and to bless all who are truly your family with the gifts that only unity can bring.

Algiz is the last rune present, here to add protection and the coherence of the herd gifted to us by our Elk siblings to aid in your family being strong and safe on the journey.