1st Pentacle of the Moon


Verse: "For he Breaks Down Gates of Bronze and Cuts Through Bars of Iron"

Forst, activate the pentacle by saying the activation verse. This will orient the Moon spirits attention. Then make the petition by saying:

"I (name), summon the spirits of the Moon to work with me to (insert request), and fullfill my request as fast and effectively as possible."

Once complete, visualize, feel, and embody the end goal you've requested. Sit with these feelings until they become stronger and tangible in your awwareness, and once yu feel the energy is in motion, dismiss the Moon Spirits to their work. In addition, you may write a letter of requests to give the spirits, burning it at the end to release the request.

To dismiss the Spirits to their task:

"I now dismiss the spirits off into the world to do by bidding and fullfil my request, with harm to none so mote it be."

Maintainence, Use, and Care

It's recommended that you wear the First Pentacle of the Moon on Monday and to work with it, recharge it, and make requests on Mondays. If you are working a longer term goal, proceed to wear it until the goal manifests, however if you do notice any mood swings or undesired changes, follow these steps:

Remove the pentacle from your person, hold in in your hand, and dismiss the spirits again. Once complete, take a break from wearing the pentacle for 3 weeks and do a thorough cleanse. It is not recomended to wear the pentacle at all times, as you may take on attributes from the planetary energies (a posession of sorts). This is rare but not impossible.

In addition, if you'd like to amplify the work of the spirits and encourage them to fullfill your requests sooner, carve a white candle with a crescent moon symbol and place the pentacle talisman next to it. Place a glass filled with water nearby as a thank you offering. Say the Activation verse and repeat the activation steps above. Do this whenever you have a serious request beyond ordinary additions.

Results can take up to 3 weeks to be fillfilled, but you will notice indications of progress in the 1st week. Results may vary as Solomonic Magic is inherently dependent on the user.

Lastly, remember to cleanse the pentacle regularly from any undesired residue energy. A simple smudge is usually enough with sake or incense.


Simple as taking the pentacle in your hands and stating:

"I now dismiss all spirits to return back to whence they came, harming none on their way."